Yes, I made the switch to an uglier but more basic home webpage. If you want to make the switch too you can follow the last post I made. The nice thing about Gatsby is that it is easy to understand, and the
The way I currently have my site set up, I have 3 main pages: first the homepage, which is on index.js
, an about.js
page, and a contact.js
page. I may switch this later to have about and contact on the same page, and have a projects page instead.
On the index.js
page, there is a GraphQL query, which filters what gets displayed on my index page. First, I look for all markdown files (files in my directory that are .md), and filter and sort it according layout and date, respectively. You can see that when I do filter: { frontmatter: {layout: {eq: "post"}}}
, it uses a Sift syntax, which is used in MongoDB, to filter for all markdown files that have a layout entry in the frontmatter that is labeled "post". This is because I also have markdown files for my about, and contact pages, but I want to ensure only the ones that have "post" in the front matter get displayed.
One of the most useful things that comes with Gatsby when you do gatsby develop
is that you get an in browser IDE called GraphiQL (prounounced "graphical", cute). This allows you to make all the graphQL filters you want, and see what it outputs. Super convenient, super easy. I love using Ctrl+Space in order to see what options I have available.
In order to publish this on Github pages you have to add a dependency, called gh-pages amd add at deploy script "deploy": "gatsby build && gh-pages -d public -b master",
to your package.json file.
Update 11/4/18: There was a bug similar to the one shown here: I rebuilt the website and as you can see, no longer any issue, although I'm not sure why. I didn't include Typography this time, but I suspect there was some sort of CSS in JS plugin that was not functioning properly.