The Mush

B-L475E-IOT01A - Temperature Sensor Reading over BLE

After much trial and error, and looking through the mbed example "mbed-os-example-ble-Thermometer" (which you can pick up from by creating a new project from template), I was able to get the STM32 Discovery to output two services: an LED Service, which allows control over its LED (on/off), and a Sensor Service which reads the onboard temperature sensor and outputs the value onto the service, which can be read with the Lightblue app.

The commit hash to check out is: b3a3e2050ad0cde59e4832fbfe94192c8bb75ef3 on the stm32_discovery_mbed project, but some of the highlights:

  1. Tell the mbed-os event queue to read the sensor every 500ms
  2. When the BLE service is read, update the temperature through the sensorServicePointer
  3. Use the template to modify the generic attribute profile in the class: see below
class SensorService {
    const static uint16_t SENSOR_SERVICE_UUID              = 0xB000;
    const static uint16_t SENSOR_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 0xB001;

    // Constructor. Colon means there is an initializer list before running constructor
    SensorService(BLEDevice &_ble, float initialValueForSensorCharacteristic) :
        tempMeasurement(SENSOR_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, (TemperatureValueBytes *)valueBytes.getPointer(), GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY)
        GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&tempMeasurement};
        GattService         sensorService(SENSOR_SERVICE_UUID, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));

    GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle() const
        return tempMeasurement.getValueHandle();

    void updateTemperature(float temperature) {
        if (ble.getGapState().connected) {
            ble.gattServer().write(tempMeasurement.getValueHandle(), valueBytes.getPointer(), sizeof(TemperatureValueBytes));

    /* Private internal representation for the bytes used to work with the vaulue of the temperature characteristic. 
     * Copied over from project "mbed-os-example-ble-Thermometer"
    struct TemperatureValueBytes {
        static const unsigned OFFSET_OF_FLAGS    = 0;
        static const unsigned OFFSET_OF_VALUE    = OFFSET_OF_FLAGS + sizeof(uint8_t);
        static const unsigned SIZEOF_VALUE_BYTES = sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(float);

        static const unsigned TEMPERATURE_UNITS_FLAG_POS = 0;
        static const unsigned TIMESTAMP_FLAG_POS         = 1;
        static const unsigned TEMPERATURE_TYPE_FLAG_POS  = 2;

        static const uint8_t  TEMPERATURE_UNITS_CELSIUS    = 0;
        static const uint8_t  TEMPERATURE_UNITS_FAHRENHEIT = 1;

        TemperatureValueBytes(float initialTemperature) : bytes() {
            /* Assumption: temperature values are expressed in celsius */
                                      (false << TIMESTAMP_FLAG_POS) |
                                      (false << TEMPERATURE_TYPE_FLAG_POS);

        void updateTemperature(float temp) {
            uint32_t temp_ieee11073 = quick_ieee11073_from_float(temp);
            memcpy(&bytes[OFFSET_OF_VALUE], &temp_ieee11073, sizeof(float));
            memcpy(&bytes[OFFSET_OF_VALUE], &temp, sizeof(float));

        uint8_t       *getPointer(void) {
            return bytes;

        const uint8_t *getPointer(void) const {
            return bytes;

         * @brief A very quick conversion between a float temperature and 11073-20601 FLOAT-Type.
         * @param temperature The temperature as a float.
         * @return The temperature in 11073-20601 FLOAT-Type format.
        uint32_t quick_ieee11073_from_float(float temperature) {
            uint8_t  exponent = 0xFE; //Exponent is -2
            uint32_t mantissa = (uint32_t)(temperature * 100);

            return (((uint32_t)exponent) << 24) | mantissa;

        /* First byte: 8-bit flags. Second field is a float holding the temperature value. */
        /* See */
        uint8_t bytes[SIZEOF_VALUE_BYTES];

    BLE                         &ble;
    TemperatureValueBytes           valueBytes;
    ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<TemperatureValueBytes>  tempMeasurement;

Another note: the code right now displays the data in little-endian format, so using this link ( to convert the hex value that is visible on the Lightblue app requires you to check "Swap Endianess".

Next Steps:

  • Convert to newer version of Mbed-OS
  • Add more sensor services over BLE