To create a new syntax, go to Tools >> Developer >> New Syntax. This creates a .sublime-syntax file which you can use to edit what color the text will show as. Under the "match:" key value pair, you use regex to determine which types of text it matches. In the example shown below, I have dates with a newline character highlight as orange. The orange color for the Mariana theme matches the "scope:" key value pair of constant.numeric. What I essentially had done was look in the Mariana.sublime-color-scheme file to determine that this scope was an orange color.
Typically, this file is found in Sublime Text 3 >> Packages >> User. On Mac, this is under
To edit the Mariana theme file, on Mac use CMD+Shift+P to open the command palette, type "View Package File", and then type in Mariana to edit the file Mariana.sublime-color-scheme.
My file is called Plain text.sublime-syntax
%YAML 1.2
%YAML 1.2
name: Regular Text
- txt
scope: text.plain
# Line starting with **
- match: '^\*\*.*'
- meta_scope: meta.separator
- match: '$\n?'
pop: true
# # Highlight Plan
# - comment: Plan (case-insensitive)
# match: \b(?:Plan)\b
# scope: support.function
# Dates
- comment: Dates
match: '[0-9]{1,2}(/)[0-9]{1,2}(/)[0-9]{1,2}\n'
scope: constant.numeric
pop: true
# Meeting
- comment: Meetings
match: '.*Mtg.*\n'
scope: meta.diff
pop: true
# Feedback
- comment: Feedback
match: 'Feedback:'
scope: variable.member
pop: true
# Important
- comment: Important
match: '.*::'
scope: support.function
pop: true
# Finished
- comment: Finished
match: '.*`'
scope: punctuation.section
pop: true
# Finished comment
- comment: Comment after a backtick
match: '(?<=`):.*'
scope: string
pop: true
# Todo
- comment: To do
match: '^[ \t]*> .*'
scope: keyword.operator
pop: true
# # Update (with . in pink)
# - comment: Update
# match: '^[ \t]*\. .*\n'
# scope: meta.diff
# pop: true
# Update (with . in yellow)
- comment: Update
match: '^[ \t]*\. .*\n'
scope: markup.bold
pop: true
Below is my modified Mariana file, which adds additional color variables. You can edit the Mariana.sublime-color-scheme directly in the folder
"name": "Mariana",
"author": "Sublime HQ Pty Ltd, Dmitri Voronianski",
"black": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
"blue": "hsl(210, 50%, 60%)",
"blue-vibrant": "hsl(210, 60%, 60%)",
"blue2": "hsla(210, 13%, 40%, 0.7)",
"blue3": "hsl(210, 15%, 22%)",
"blue4": "hsl(210, 13%, 45%)",
"blue5": "hsl(180, 36%, 54%)",
"blue6": "hsl(221, 12%, 69%)",
"green": "hsl(114, 31%, 75%)",
"greengray": "hsl(114, 25%, 45%)",
"grey": "hsl(0, 0%, 20%)",
"orange": "hsl(32, 93%, 66%)",
"orange2": "hsl(32, 85%, 55%)",
"orange3": "hsl(40, 94%, 68%)",
"pink": "hsl(312, 96%, 68%)",
"red": "hsl(357, 79%, 65%)",
"red2": "hsl(13, 99%, 65%)",
"white": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
"white2": "hsl(0, 0%, 97%)",
"white3": "hsl(219, 28%, 88%)",
"yellow": "hsl(58, 100%, 72%)"
"foreground": "var(white3)",
"background": "var(blue3)",
"accent": "var(blue-vibrant)",
"caret": "var(orange)",
"line_highlight": "var(blue2)",
"selection": "var(blue2)",
"selection_border": "var(blue4)",
"inactive_selection": "var(blue2)",
"misspelling": "var(red)",
"shadow": "color(var(black) alpha(0.25))",
"active_guide": "var(blue5)",
"stack_guide": "color(var(blue5) alpha(0.5))",
"highlight": "var(blue5)",
"find_highlight_foreground": "var(grey)",
"find_highlight": "var(orange3)",
"brackets_options": "underline",
"brackets_foreground": "var(orange)",
"bracket_contents_options": "underline",
"bracket_contents_foreground": "var(blue5)",
"tags_options": "stippled_underline",
"tags_foreground": "var(pink)"
"name": "Comment",
"scope": "comment, punctuation.definition.comment",
"foreground": "var(blue6)"
"name": "String",
"scope": "string",
"foreground": "var(green)"
"name": "Punctuation",
"scope": "punctuation.definition - punctuation.definition.numeric.base",
"foreground": "var(blue5)"
"name": "Number",
"scope": "constant.numeric",
"foreground": "var(orange)",
"background": "var(blue4)"
"name": "Number Suffix",
"scope": "storage.type.numeric",
"foreground": "var(pink)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Built-in constant",
"scope": "constant.language",
"foreground": "var(red)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "User-defined constant",
"scope": "constant.character, constant.other",
"foreground": "var(pink)"
"name": "Member Variable",
"scope": "variable.member",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"name": "Keyword",
"scope": "keyword - keyword.operator, keyword.operator.word",
"foreground": "var(pink)"
"name": "Operators",
"scope": "keyword.operator",
"foreground": "var(red2)"
"name": "Punctuation",
"scope": "punctuation.separator, punctuation.terminator",
"foreground": "var(yellow)"
"name": "Punctuation",
"scope": "punctuation.section",
"foreground": "var(greengray)"
"name": "Accessor",
"scope": "punctuation.accessor",
"foreground": "var(blue6)"
"name": "Annotation Punctuation",
"scope": "punctuation.definition.annotation",
"foreground": "var(blue5)"
"name": "JavaScript Dollar",
"scope": "variable.other.dollar.only.js, variable.other.object.dollar.only.js, variable.type.dollar.only.js, support.class.dollar.only.js",
"foreground": "var(blue5)"
"name": "Storage",
"scope": "storage",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"name": "Storage type",
"scope": "storage.type",
"foreground": "var(pink)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Entity name",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(blue5)"
"name": "Entity name",
"scope": " - ( | |",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
"name": "Inherited class",
"scope": "entity.other.inherited-class",
"foreground": "var(blue5)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Function argument",
"scope": "variable.parameter",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
"name": "Language variable",
"scope": "variable.language",
"foreground": "var(red)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Tag name",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"name": "Tag attribute",
"scope": "entity.other.attribute-name",
"foreground": "var(pink)"
"name": "Function call",
"scope": "variable.function, variable.annotation",
"foreground": "var(blue)"
"name": "Library function",
"scope": "support.function, support.macro",
"foreground": "var(blue)",
"font_style": "bold italic"
"name": "Library constant",
"scope": "support.constant",
"foreground": "var(pink)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Library class/type",
"scope": "support.type, support.class",
"foreground": "var(blue)",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "Invalid",
"scope": "invalid",
"foreground": "var(white2)",
"background": "var(red)"
"name": "Invalid deprecated",
"scope": "invalid.deprecated",
"foreground": "var(white2)",
"background": "var(orange2)"
"name": "YAML Key",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(blue5)"
"name": "YAML String",
"scope": "source.yaml string.unquoted",
"foreground": "var(white3)"
"name": "markup headings",
"scope": "markup.heading",
"font_style": "bold"
"name": "markup headings",
"scope": "markup.heading punctuation.definition.heading",
"foreground": "var(red2)"
"name": "markup h1",
"scope": "markup.heading.1 punctuation.definition.heading",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"name": "markup links",
"scope": ",",
"foreground": "var(blue)"
"name": "markup bold",
"scope": "markup.bold",
"foreground": "var(yellow)",
"name": "markup italic",
"scope": "markup.italic",
"font_style": "italic"
"name": "markup underline",
"scope": "markup.underline",
"font_style": "underline"
"name": "markup bold/italic",
"scope": "markup.italic markup.bold | markup.bold markup.italic",
"font_style": "bold italic"
"name": "markup bold/underline",
"scope": "markup.underline markup.bold | markup.bold markup.underline",
"font_style": "bold underline"
"name": "markup italic/underline",
"scope": "markup.underline markup.italic | markup.italic markup.underline",
"font_style": "italic underline"
"name": "markup bold/italic/underline",
"scope": "markup.bold markup.italic markup.underline | markup.bold markup.underline markup.italic | markup.italic markup.bold markup.underline | markup.italic markup.underline markup.bold | markup.underline markup.bold markup.italic | markup.underline markup.italic markup.bold",
"font_style": "bold italic underline"
"name": "markup hr",
"scope": "punctuation.definition.thematic-break",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
"name": "markup numbered list bullet",
"scope": "markup.list.numbered.bullet",
"foreground": "var(green)",
"font_style": "bold"
"name": "markup blockquote",
"scope": "markup.quote punctuation.definition.blockquote, markup.list punctuation.definition.list_item",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
"name": "markup code",
"scope": "markup.raw",
"background": "color(var(blue2) alpha(0.38))"
"name": "markup code",
"scope": "markup.raw.inline",
"background": "color(var(blue2) alpha(0.5))"
"name": "markup punctuation",
"scope": "(text punctuation.definition.italic | text punctuation.definition.bold)",
"foreground": "var(pink)"
"name": "diff.header",
"scope": "meta.diff, meta.diff.header",
"foreground": "var(pink)",
"font_style": "bold underline"
"name": "diff.deleted",
"scope": "markup.deleted",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"name": "diff.inserted",
"scope": "markup.inserted",
"foreground": "var(green)"
"name": "diff.changed",
"scope": "markup.changed",
"foreground": "var(orange)"
"name": "CSS Properties",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(white3)"
"scope": "constant.numeric.line-number.match",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"scope": "message.error",
"foreground": "var(red)"
"scope": "diff.deleted",
"background": "hsla(357, 45%, 60%, 0.15)",
"foreground_adjust": "l(+ 5%)"
"scope": "diff.deleted.char",
"background": "hsla(357, 60%, 60%, 0.30)",
"foreground_adjust": "l(+ 10%)"
"scope": "diff.inserted",
"background": "hsla(180, 45%, 60%, 0.15)",
"foreground_adjust": "l(+ 5%)"
"scope": "diff.inserted.char",
"background": "hsla(180, 60%, 60%, 0.30)",
"foreground_adjust": "l(+ 10%)"